A Business Roundtable is in general terms, an activity where a buyer and a potential seller with similar interests meet according to a schedule or pre-established appointments. Here are some tips for your participation:
· Each participating musician selects the purchasing companies with which he wishes to meet based on the information that they themselves have included in their registration form. It is vitally important that you fill out the registration form with all your data so you do not miss any opportunities
· It's important you get up to date with all the companies that are going to participate so you can take advantage and request or accept the interviews that will take place.
· The main recommendation for those attending an event of this kind is to attend their appointments on time and carry all the information that your counterparty may require (products and services that offer and demand, prices, production capacity, delivery periods, business cards). Remember that each appointment has a limited duration, during this time you must clearly convey your business expectations or what you want to offer.
· Verify that the appointments assigned to your project are the ones you plan to make. Keep in mind the names of the people with whom you are going to interview, the time and the table number of the appointment to be better prepared. The Business Round is only the first step of the negotiation, it is a first contact with a possible partner that will allow you to identify if there is a commercial opportunity and if there’s any chance of a new business and alliance. From this point on its recommendable to do a negotiation or agreement, do not hesitate in closing a business agreement in this first approach.
· It is important that the representative attending the event has decision-making power.
· Do not forget to bring all the audiovisual help you need to show the effectiveness of your product and remember to charge the battery of your portable equipment, high quality headphones, music on CD’s and in a clean presentation.
· We recommend sending letters or thank you letters to the contacts made during the Business Roundtable. Good luck! This can be the beginning of something very important for your career.